Following is a letter to the editor in our local newspaper today (, which spewed venomous insults at those of us who would defend the unborn; those of us who believe that the child, too, has a right to choose. Below that is my response to that letter:
Letter to the editor:
Law limits women's reproductive rights
When Republican legislators in South Dakota - who have run this state for decades - found that they couldn't get away with writing laws to murder abortion providers (HB 1171), they decided to kill womanhood, instead.
To do this, Gov. Daugaard signed HB 1217 which essentially takes away a woman's reproductive rights, her civil rights and her personhood. Unlike corporations - which can live forever and feel free to make decisions about how to reproduce itself endlessly, or not - she can not be deemed a like "person" with the freedom to reproduce or not.
When a legislature writes bills to deny half of its citizens their human rights, but gives those rights to soulless and speechless financial institutions/corporations, some of us know that these Republican, Christian and mostly male fanatics have gone too far.
There is no hope that South Dakota will become Wisconsin, but the chances that we may finally vote these nitwits out of office is becoming more of a possibility.
My Reply: